Friday 27 March 2020

Amenities That Will Make Your Employee Happy

With the need to keep innovating the ways we live and work, there is no shortage of ideas for amenities that are meant to transform our lives to a comfortable living in all aspects.  Right from the home we live-in to our office space in Andheri, innovation and technology are changing the way we live. Therefore, it is important when trying to improve the commercial office space in Andheri Eastto seek proper balance and keep the employee interests in mind.
Creating a balanced workspace like Chandak Group's Chambers project in Andheri East means following a philosophy that is centered around the amenities that maximise the employee's wellness. Ensure these amenities do not distract people from work too. These amenities can be positioned centrally so that it is accessible to all employees in your commercial office space in Andheri East. Also, keep them distanced and out of sight for those who need to focus on work.
The actual amenities that you provide for your office space in Andheri, will depend upon your company culture. We have listed below some general amenities that can help employees destress, as well as be more productive and relaxed in their workplace.
1.Open Office
If you are renovating or redesigning your office space in Andheri., then you may consider doing it on the lines of an open office. It is the in-thing these days. Who wants to work at the same desk every day? Enjoy the luxury of a different place to sit and work. Many commercial office space in Andheri Eastare considering this option. There are multiple benefits to this open space concept. For one you can save up on space and two, you keep your employees happy and engaged. The infrastructure cost is also reduced as people are sharing the resources without anything being tagged to a single person.
2. Green Spaces
The best way to recharge yourself is to get connected with nature. For someone who works and lives in a big city, it is difficult to escape the concrete jungle. Consider options for your commercial office space in Andheri Eastsuch as a rooftop garden or try to include plants inside the office. This will subtly boost the morale of the employees. Green is a relaxing colour for the eye. With trees and plants around giving purified air, the employees will naturally feel more refreshed throughout the day.
3. Food counters
Every office needs a space where the employee relaxes over for a cup of coffee and a snack. Providing free food to employees isn't an extravagant gesture. It boosts the employee's engagement. Studies show that employees to whom free foods are provided are much happier at their workspaces than the snack-less counterparts. Invest in good coffee and snacks vending machine for your office space in Andheri.

If you can’t afford free snacks, you can still consider subsided rates for good food. All employees would want to have some refreshing food when they feel tired. Spoil them with options and they will surely give in their best in the work they do.
4. State-of-the-art furniture
Those who work on the desk for more time prone to posture problems. To prevent the risk of a back problem, provide an array of ergonomic furniture such as height adjustable desks or a high-back chair. Keep reminding your employees at the commercial office space in Andheri East to take regular breaks and stretch. Also, encourage them to choose an alternative place in case they find their workspace inconvenient.
5. Recreational Options
All work and no play make Jack a dull boy goes an old saying. It is true for each and every one of us. So, to improve employee productivity and improve their work effectiveness, create some recreational spots in your commercial office space in Andheri East. This can include a games corner with Foos-ball, Carrom, Jenga, etc., or a walking track or some open space for getting some fresh air. A place for your employees to enjoy their coffee with some gossip and friends. This break time is essential to keep them focused on their work too.

6. Multipurpose Collaboration Areas
Socialization is an important part of office culture. This can include both social and professional meet-ups. Create separate collaborations areas for informal and formal meetings. The formal board room set up can include a big screen with a video calling facility while the informal one could be a set of high chairs or lobby-like setup to sit and relax. 
The benefits that these amenities present may seem obvious. But, how well you implement these is all that matters. Tailor these requirements as per your company's employees needs to get the perfect output. Chandak Group's Chambers project in Andheri East is an example of how well an employee-centric office space should be designed.

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